2023-2024 Statement of Faith Acknowledgement

I have read and do understand the Statement of Faith of First Baptist Academy, and subscribe to it without reservation, and agree that my child will abide by these doctrines in all aspects of his life, both at and away from school functions.

2023-2024 Parent’s Disipline and Standard of Conduct Acknowledgement

I have read and do understand the entire handbook and acknowledge the Standards of Conduct with respect to the discipline procedures of First Baptist Academy and do agree that my child will abide by them. I agree to fully support the school in its enforcement of discipline and of the Standards of Conduct. As First Baptist Academy is a ministry organization, I agree not to make demands or threats, make any accusation, formal complaint or litigate any matter whatsoever in relation to or resulting from the enforcement of the Standard of Conduct. To do otherwise would be a clear violation of biblical teaching and practice.

2023-2024 Transportation Acknowledgement:

I hereby give First Baptist Academy permission to transport my child as necessary. I agree not to hold the school liable for any injury, regardless of the extent, received during that transportation.

2023-2024 Athletic Liability Release: (For parents of any student athletes)

As a parent, I am giving permission for my child to participate in the athletic program of FBA. I agree not to hold the academy liable for any injury received by my child while participating in the academy’s sports program.

Handbook Agreement Form (Must Be Signed by Student)

2023-2024 Student Acknowledgement: (For students in grades 6th through 12)

As a student at FBA, I have read and do understand the entire handbook and agree to abide by the principles and rules found therein. I do understand that my violation of these rules will result in the immediate and appropriate action deemed necessary by the administration.